Friday, March 11, 2011

Tsunami Again

The tsunami come again this time the target is japan, Japan's recorded history is broke down with this tsunami the eastern coast Friday it reached to Hawaii(Japan) eye West Coast it is recorded this is the exact photo where is the center point and the first look of this tragic thing in japan its just crushing the houses and the building from the ground people are in great trouble this is the time to help our friends in the hour of need the magnitude is 8.9 which is recorded .


Anonymous said...

What a tragedy! My prayers and thoughts go out to everyone effected by the tragedy

Charlie Courtois said...

HI Awais,
It very hard to imagine the impact of the Earthquake, and the Tsunami so close to together.

One thing for sure! The Japanese culture and ours in the U.S.A. are very different. No looting there!

It looks like you have been very busy. Take care, Charlie


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